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The Young Heart Attack- The Mercury- July 2001

New Austin band that knows how to rock out

This guy has a good time on stage..


Steamroller- Jellofest at Lucy's- July 2001

Mike M goin without the guitar for a change...

Bang- Jellofest at Lucy's- July 2001

Bang is a local heavy metal cover band that get together every once in awhile and play classics from bands like Guns N Roses and Motley Crue. They rock out and make it great to go back to the eighties. What's funny is some of the members (including the lead singer) are in a very popular latin rock band here called Vallejo. Guess they're like me and have a closet metalhead inside them!

The guitarist is Slush (and he does a great Slash!)

AJ Vallejo showing his inner Axl Rose

"Axl" and "Nikki Sixx"

Okay, if anyone has a closer pic than this at a concert, please tell me!

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